
APT 1600FD

The APT-1600FD Series is a dual-sided flying probe test system which deploys the flying probes to both sides of a printed circuit board. Owing to the simultaneous dual-sided probing contact, the APT-1600FD Series can contribute to a marked increase in test coverage with shortest amount of test time.

The APT-1600FD Series has world-class test speed and positioning accuracy, and is equipped with laser height measurement system, LED test sensors and a wealth of extraordinary test functionalities that significantly expand the application possibilities of flying probe tester.

Category ICT flying probe
Our solution Electrical and functional testing
Supplier Takaya

Main features and benefits of the device

  • PCB size: 540 x 483 mm
  • 6 top side probes, 4 bottom side probes
  • Contacting of pads from 60um
  • Inline and offline platforms
  • Measurement of R, L, C with voltage < 0,3V
  • Frequency measurements, generating of logical signals, functional tests
  • CCD HD camera for optical tests
  • LED sensor for measurements of intesity and colours of LED
  • Measurements of PCB warpage

Are you interested in this product or want to find out more information?


Jiří Kadlubiec, MA

Sales Director

+420 702 189 540

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