The process of visual inspection often fails on the human factor or on technical difficulties with the set-up. Our new supplier Inspekto found a solution to tackle these obstacles.

inspekto, optická inspekce, kontrola výrobků

Inspekto S70 is a device of autonomous machine vision powered by AI algorithms which significantly speed up the process of inspection while also making it easier. The whole device is designed as one product to fit many applications in many various fields with high demand on quality assurance.

The inspection process and algorithms follow the same logic as human cognitive functions with much higher repeatability. It is a plug and play system and its setting does not require any special skills in programming. After the hardware set-up you are asked to choose the outline of the product and specific regions of interest. You present 20-30 good samples to Inspekto and the AI algorithms take care of the setting of inspection parameters.

Inspekto is ready to be used as a stand alone workplace or as a part of complex automated lines with robots and triggered by PLCs. Full connectivity to MES systems, traceability and statistics of data are a standard.

Inspekto S70 in IMT

IMT Technologies & Solutions has become an official partner of Inspekto in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Although Inspekto is a relatively new company it already gained trust technological giants like Bosch, Mahle or Faurecia and we will gladly introduce its possibilities also to you.

What would you use Inspekto for? Let us know.


Ing. Tomáš Janků

Sales Engineer
+420 702 253 075